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Google Ads

A agência Google Partner no marketing digital: 5 benefícios
O marketing digital é uma área da comunicação moderna de suma importância na relação empresa-cliente. No mar de informação e concorrência que se alastra para todos os ramos de atividade, estar atualizado com as tendências e preferências atuais é algo necessário para destacar o seu nome profissional no mercado – e isso pode ser feito ...
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November 13, 2023
The 10 best Google Ads strategies for dentists
Google Ads is one of the main platforms for the growing digital marketing landscape, paving the profitable basis for countless businesses today. It's not enough to have social media accounts – nowadays, you need to know and maintain contact with your audience through online strategies, never being left out...
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Traffic Management: what it is and how to use it in your company
Understand everything about the subject and discover the importance of traffic management when talking about internet ads. Firstly, how many times have you asked yourself what would be the best way for your company to grow on the internet? Or how to find out what type of advertisement to invest in to get the most return? Therefore, we...
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May 1, 2020
Google allocates US$800 million against coronavirus
As a way to combat the impacts of the coronavirus, the company's president, Sundar Pichai, announced that Google will allocate 800 million dollars to small and medium-sized companies, health organizations, governments around the world and health agents. For small and medium-sized companies around the world, who are struggling to maintain their operations with...
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How to calculate the CPA of a campaign?
One of the most important metrics, if not the most important, of your digital marketing campaigns is your CPA (Cost per action or cost per acquisition). As the name suggests, CPA measures how much you are paying for each desired action in your campaign.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ To measure CPA, the first step is to define...
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May 1, 2020
Marketing professionals prefer Google Ads to SEO, says research.
In a recent survey carried out by that dealt with different digital marketing issues with 1000 professionals and consumers, it was found that both SEM (Search Engine Marketing) and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are considered efficient, by 90% and 87% of professionals respectively. Now, when asked what their preference is between SEO and Google ads, 64%...
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May 1, 2020
Metric Explained: Quality Score
Following the series of posts about digital marketing metrics, we come to one that brings with it many mysteries within Google Ads: the Quality Score (or Quality Index).⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀This metric was brought by Google as a necessity so that advertisers display quality ads to platform users. When searching for something, the user expects...
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April 7, 2020
The 3 Different Types of Keywords in Google Ads (And We’re Not Talking About Matching).
Understand how different keywords at different stages of the funnel can make a difference.
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