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Dental Marketing

Facebook Ads for dentists: how to boost your business?
In the contemporary digital world, an online presence has become essential for professionals in all areas, including dentists. One of the most powerful tools for building this presence is Facebook Ads. How, then, can we think about Facebook Ads for dentists? Facebook Ads is a platform that offers a unique opportunity for dentists to promote their services...
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November 7, 2023
Ads for dentists: how to plan a campaign
In an increasingly competitive world, advertising plays a key role in attracting patients to dental clinics. And a very important part of any advertising strategy is advertisements for dentists. Advertising dental services effectively is crucial to gaining public trust and building a solid clientele. ...
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July 7, 2023
Marketing para Dentistas: Estratégias Eficazes para Atrair Pacientes em 2024
Discover in this article effective dental marketing strategies to attract and retain patients, increasing the visibility of your clinic. Understand the importance of ethics in creating campaigns, local SEO optimization, and engagement through social networks and email marketing. Learn how to create a strong online presence and the importance of the Patient Shopping Journey in marketing for dentists. Also discover dental ethics applied to marketing and its importance for the success of your professional practice.
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June 26, 2023
CRM for dentists: Everything you need to know
If you've been following us for a while, you know how the efficient management of a dental clinic is essential for success in today's highly competitive market. As a dentist, in addition to offering quality services, you also need to focus on improving your patients' experience, maintaining a close relationship and ensuring your...
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June 6, 2023
How to write a good dental care script
Have you ever heard of a dental care script? As a dentist, this is an essential tool for providing quality and consistent care to your clinic's patients – helping to organize professional services. A script consists of a pre-defined script that, above all, guides oral health professionals in...
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May 25, 2023
12 marketing actions for dentists for your clinic
In the highly competitive world of dentistry, it is essential that dentists adopt effective marketing strategies to stand out as professionals and attract more patients in their community. The power of communication is immense for any business – and when it comes to practices, the influence of a good advertising strategy is not...
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May 12, 2023
Why a Dental Marketing Agency Is Important
If you are a dentist or dental practice owner, you probably know how important marketing is to the success of your business. However, many professionals don't have the time, knowledge or resources needed to effectively manage their own marketing campaigns – and that's where an agency comes in...
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April 28, 2023
Como criar uma campanha para o dia dos pais na odontologia
Assim como qualquer data festiva, o Dia dos Pais é uma ótima oportunidade para os dentistas fidelizarem seus pacientes e atraírem novos. É sempre importante aproveitar a data para aplicar estratégias de marketing odontológico que sejam relevantes e impactantes – estreitando a intimidade entre as partes envolvidas, especialmente no que diz respeito à credibilidade do ...
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April 28, 2023
Como criar uma campanha para o dia dos namorados na odontologia
O dia dos namorados é uma data especial que muitas empresas aproveitam para atrair clientes e aumentar seus lucros. No mundo odontológico, isso não é diferente – pois é possível criar campanhas para fidelizar pacientes que estejam namorando, alcançando ótimos resultados a curto e longo prazo ao estreitar a intimidade com a sua clínica. Mas ...
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April 8, 2023
Como vender tratamento odontológico: Conheça a melhor técnica
Ei dentista – transformar sua clínica em um ambiente confortável, lucrativo e organizado não é um processo árduo. Apesar de também não ser rápido, existem várias técnicas de sucesso para providenciar o melhor serviço possível aos seus pacientes e, consequentemente, colocar sua marca no mapa da credibilidade o quanto antes. E além de atuar em ...
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