The 10 best Google Ads strategies for dentists

Google Ads para dentistas

Google Ads is one of the main platforms for the growing digital marketing landscape, paving the profitable basis for countless businesses today. It's not enough to have social media accounts – nowadays, you need to know and maintain contact with your audience through online strategies, never being left out of trends. This also applies to the entire healthcare sector, including dental offices. But are there strategies on Google Ads for dentists, after all?

Yes, they exist. In this article, see the top 10 ways to reach your clientele with quality campaigns, making your brand become influential!

To read our complete guide to dental marketing, click here.

What are the best Google Ads strategies for dentists?

So you want to grow your practice and are looking for the best way to do it quickly. One of the biggest problems faced by dentists of different specialties is the low flow of appointments – even though you have extensive training and years of experience, little visibility in the market generates low income. Avoiding this is the key to success.

agencia de google ads
What would Google Ads for dentists be?

Fortunately, you're in the right place to learn these techniques. Investing in strategies involving Google Ads for dentists is the best way to get profitable results e, dependendo da abordagem escolhida, um posicionamento online imediato perante suas clínicas concorrentes e clientes em potencial.

Along with Facebook Ads, Google Ads is the ideal platform for advertising any product or service, taking into account that the reach of its content covers almost every aspect of digital communication. In the case of the dental world, standing out among the massive competitiveness of the field is something that every professional dentist strives for, so Google Ads becomes the perfect opportunity to increase the strength of your name. Being one of the cheapest media to invest in, it allows, for example:

  • choose a minimum credit budget;
  • identify the right audience;
  • attract new patients from your geographic location;
  • obtain direct results from segmented campaigns;
  • classify pay per click (which means you only pay for the number of users who click on your ad);
  • Understand how your ads are performing with accurate charts and reports.

See below our top 10 strategies when using Google Ads for dentists:

Use location keywords

Use keywords relevant to the location of the dental office or clinic, including terms like “dentist + name of city/region” or “dental clinic in + location”. This helps target your ad to people looking for dental services in your area.

Use emergency keywords

To serve patients who need immediate assistance, use keywords related to dental emergencies, such as “emergency dentist,” “urgent dental care,” and other variations. This helps target ads to people who need urgent dental services.

Perform demographic segmentation

You can segment your audience based on demographic criteria such as age, gender, and income to target your ads to a specific audience. For example, if you want to focus on dental services for children, age segmentation can be useful.

Place the Google Ads call extension

This extension allows you to add a phone number to your ad. For a dentist, it's an excellent way to encourage potential clients to call directly to schedule appointments or obtain additional information.

Advertise on Google Maps

This strategy allows your practice to appear in Google Maps search results when someone searches for dental services in the region. This can increase your clinic's visibility and accessibility to potential patients.

Crie páginas de destino otimizadas

When driving users to your website, it's essential to have pages optimized for conversions. Make sure the landing page matches the ad, is easy to navigate, provides clear information about the dental services offered, and includes a strong call-to-action to encourage people to take action, such as scheduling an appointment.

Use reviews and testimonials

Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews – as this increases credibility and trust for those looking for dental services. Also consider using review extensions in your ads.

Conversion tracking

Set up conversion tracking to understand which ads and keywords are driving results. This helps you optimize performance and invest more effectively in campaigns that deliver results. An example would be targeting ads to people who visited your website but didn't take action can be effective. This helps remind these potential patients about your practice and encourages conversion.

Constantly test your ads

Run A/B tests with different ad variations to identify which ones perform best. Test headlines, copy, calls to action, and images to continually optimize your ads.

Enhance the user experience

Make sure your website is responsive, fast and provides clear information about your services. A good user experience can influence the decision to schedule an appointment.

Learn how to use Google Ads for dentists with us

By using these strategies on Google Ads, you can increase your clinic's visibility, attract potential patients and convert more leads into customers. It is important to constantly monitor and adjust these strategies to maximize return on investment, always consulting the metrics that the platform provides to adapt your approaches over time. 

What not to do in Google Ads for dentists

With all that said, you may be wondering if there is any action that should not be taken under any circumstances. As a dentist, in addition to the fact that you always have to follow the regulations of the Code of Ethics of the Federal Council of Dentistry (CFO) – read all about the content legally permitted in dental marketing in this other article of ours – the only thing to avoid is generic keywords. This will kill the engagement of your ads, making it a common mistake for beginners.

Generic words (such as “dentist” and “dental treatment”) have low conversion rates due to the fact that they are very present in Internet demands, especially when it comes to the Google search engine. Although it's not wrong to advertise with these types of words, the ideal initial strategy is to attract your patients to more specific offers that meet their local needs above all else. Take a look at the examples below:

  • “dentista sp south zone” (state + zone + region)
  • “dentista lapa sp” (neighborhood + state)
  • “dental office sp” (state)

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Run quality Google Ads campaigns with the Target Ads team!

In addition to technical knowledge in the field of dentistry, dealing with all these strategies at the same time requires qualities of patience and dedication from a manager. After all, the more your clinic grows and the more your brand becomes known, the more complex advertising and customer communication tools become.

Strategies with Google Ads can be adopted by anyone, but perhaps maintaining and organizing them is the biggest challenge. That's why, agencies like Target Ads were formed to assist you in this process. With a quality, reliable and efficient service, we provide you with the experience of someone who has already brought thousands of reais in profit to several dentists.

With evaluations, metrics, rigorous design criteria and content production for ads and social networks, we at Target Ads are ready to take care of your marketing, allowing you to focus on what really matters: providing great services to your customers. You don’t have to worry about developing Google Ads strategies alone – with our team, we’ll work side by side to generate lasting results for your dental practice!

Find out more about our services here and get in touch today!
